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8x8 Support

Office Extension Calls Display as Unknown in Bullhorn Integration


Calls made between 8x8 Work phone extensions on the same service display as Unknown in the 8x8 communication panel.

VOBullhorn_Extension_Calls01.jpg  VOBullhorn_Extension_Calls02.jpg

Applies To

8x8 Work for Bullhorn integration.


8x8 8x8 Work phone integrations are designed to respond to all calls made to your phone extension. This cannot be altered to ignore inter-office calls.


To mitigate this, add a Bullhorn object such as a Contact for each office phone extension. This way, all extension calls will automatically be assigned to a record.

The extension number must be added to a phone number field. The extension's direct phone number (DID) is not required, but can be added.


When calls are made to or from an extension, the communication panel search will recognize the Contact or other object, and will pop a call record as normal.

VOBullhorn_Extension_Calls05.jpg  VOBullhorn_Extension_Calls04.jpg


Note: Supported searchable objects are: Contacts, Candidates, Leads, and Opportunities.

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