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8x8 Support

8x8 Presence Sync with Microsoft Teams


Important-Icon.png The 8x8 Presence Sync integration now supports limited two-way presence status. If you already have the one-way integration installed (Teams-to-8x8), you can proceed directly to Install the 8x8 to Teams Presence Sync.

Presence is part of a user's profile, and indicates their current availability and status to other users. By default, anyone in your organization using a specific application can see if other users are available online.

The 8x8 Presence Sync enables the integration of Microsoft Teams Presence into your 8x8 applications, as well as the presence status of 8x8 users who are on active calls into the Teams environment. You can now see if specific users or stakeholders in your organization are available online or engaged in another call or conference. Presence is updated in real time on the mobile, desktop and web application versions.

The 8x8 Presence Sync aggregation service polls your service directories for Presence changes every 10 seconds and then publishes the collected aggregated updates to the stream.



  • The fully-installed Presence Sync integration is a two-way process from Microsoft to your 8x8 applications, and 8x8 applications to Microsoft Teams.
  • Teams users who are assigned to 8x8 Call Queues and/or Ring Groups must set their status to Do not disturb (DND) in Microsoft Teams when they are not available to take calls, to insure that such calls are not routed to them. This is the only scenario in which call distribution may be affected by the Presence Sync app.
  • In order to sync and integrate Presence between Microsoft Teams and your 8x8 apps, you must have an 8x8 Unified Communications (UC) user (the user can be licensed or unlicensed within 8x8) with the email matching that of Microsoft user whose Presence is synced. (Your 8x8 email address must match your Microsoft username.)
  • Presence status from Teams to 8x8 will work with Unified Communications (UC) users whether or not those Teams users have been assigned an 8x8 X Series license in 8x8 Admin Console. Presence will be polled and displayed to users in the 8x8 directories within Work, Contact Center Agent Workspace, and Frontdesk.
  • The presence status of 8x8 application users shown in Microsoft Teams will only be displayed as either offline or On a Call. This is due to Microsoft API limitations.
  • There is no dependency on or requirement for 8x8 Voice for Microsoft Teams to be used/in place.

Example Usage

Use of Presence with 8x8 Voice for Microsoft Teams is optional. However, it's recommended in the following usage scenarios:

  • Hybrid environments: Some users are using Microsoft Teams, and others use 8x8 Work.
  • 8x8 Contact Center: Microsoft Teams Presence as part of Expert Connect.
  • 8x8 Work for Desktop: Frontdesk, or Work Operator implementations.
  • Without Voice for Teams offering:
    • Each user is running both Microsoft Teams (for collaboration and conferencing) and 8x8 Work for Desktop.
    • A mixed environment exists with Microsoft Teams users (non-8x8) and 8x8 Contact Center users. Contact Center users will see presence status of Teams users.

Note: As stated above, Teams user presence can appear in 8x8 Work applications even if they are not configured as 8x8 Voice for Teams users. In this scenario, the following applies:

  • Teams users must also have an 8x8 user profile created in 8x8 Admin Console, with the same user name applied in both 8x8 and in the Microsoft service. The Teams user does not require an assigned 8x8 X Series license for their presence status to appear in 8x8 Work apps.
  • The presence status of new Microsoft Teams users can take up to 24 hours to appear correctly in 8x8 applications, even when they are correctly configured on both sides. This is an effect of 8x8's back end contact directory sync process.


In order to use the Presence integration with Microsoft Teams, you must have administrator level access for the following:

  • Microsoft Azure Active Directory (AD) with Microsoft Office 365 Global admin access
  • 8x8 Admin Console

Note: A Microsoft user license or a Phone System license is not required for the Presence sync. An 8x8 X Series license is also not required, as stated above.


Follow the installation process shown below, in this order:

  1. Install the Teams to 8x8 Presence Sync (one-way sync)
  2. Install the 8x8 to Teams Presence Sync (two-way sync)
Note-Icon.png NOTE: If you already have the 8x8 Presence Sync integration installed, skip the first step and proceed directly to Install the 8x8 to Teams Presence Sync.

Install the Teams to 8x8 Presence Sync

Create Sync User

To enable 8x8 Presence Sync integration, you must first create a separate Sync user account in Microsoft Azure Active Directory. The Sync user you create is associated only with the Presence Sync process, to facilitate Presence integration into your 8x8 apps.

  1. Log in to the Microsoft Azure AD admin center.
  2. Create a new user to sync and integrate Microsoft Teams Presence into your 8x8 apps:
    1. Select Users from the left menu.
    2. Click + New User.


  1. Select Create user, complete the information in the blank Identity and Password fields.
    • 8x8 recommends using 8x8.status@<customer-domain> as the user name for ease of identification.
    • In the Password field, you can either auto-generate or create your own user password.
    • The remaining New User field details (such as Settings, Job info, etc) are not required.
  2. Click Create.
  3. Make a note of the username and password that you have created. You'll need them in the next section.


Assigning Application Developer Role to the New 8x8 Status User

If the option Users can consent to apps accessing company data on their behalf is set to No in Azure > Enterprise applications > User settings > Enterprise applications, you will need to perform one of the following before proceeding:

  • EITHER temporarily change this setting to Yes, and then change it back to No after the Presence Sync app installation is complete.
  • OR grant the new 8x8 Status user appropriate rights to consent, before you proceed. Please see the instructions for this, below.
Important-Icon.png Important: If this option is already set to Yes, then you can proceed directly to Install the Presence Sync Integration.



For detail on this subject, please see the Microsoft article located here.

Assign the Application Developer Role to the 8x8 Status User
  1. Once the 8x8 Status user has been created using the process above, click on the 8x8 Status user name from the Users list.


  1. Click on Assigned roles.
  2. Click + Add assignments.
  3. Check the box next to Application developer, then click Add at the bottom of the page.


  1. It may take Microsoft a minute or so to complete the request. Click Refresh periodically, until the Application developer role assignment appears.
  2. You may now proceed to Install the Presence Sync Integration.


Important-Icon.png Note: Leave your Microsoft Azure AD portal open after Sync user creation. You'll need to access it during the Presence Sync integration process, below.

Install the Presence Sync Integration

Complete the following procedure to install the 8x8 Presence Sync integration with Microsoft Teams:

  1. Using your 8x8 Admin Console credentials, log in to the 8x8 Teams Presence Integration page at:


  1. Click Login on the 8x8 Teams Presence Integration page.


  1. At the Microsoft Pick an account login prompt, log in using the new 8x8 Status Microsoft user credentials that you just created in the steps above.
    • Do not log in at this point using your Microsoft administrator account.

clipboard_e638fafc961db27874ebab8fd61476faf.png  clipboard_edd863c0aba3ec2344d6d2b359f6c990c.png

Note: If Microsoft prompts you to update your new 8x8 Status user's password, simply make the requested change and continue with the login process.


  1. When the Permissions requested prompt appears, click Accept to confirm access permissions to the specified areas of your Sync profile.


The Logged in Account page displays the options to Verify or Disable the Presence integration.

  1. Click Verify Presence integration.


  • Initially Presence is not yet synced, so you will see the following message displayed in the information field:
  • Admin Consent Needed
    In Azure Active Directory admin center, go to Enterprise applications > 8x8 Presence > Permissions and click on Grant admin consent to <Company domain>. button.


  1. Return to your logged-in Microsoft Azure Portal in order to grant access permissions to the Sync user you have created.
    • Be sure to select your Microsoft Azure administrator credentials, not the 8x8 Status user.


  1. In the Microsoft Azure admin center, navigate to Enterprise applications > 8x8 Presence > Permissions.
  2. Click Grant admin consent for <Company domain> to grant admin access to the Sync user.


  1. When you are again prompted to log in, select your Microsoft Azure Administrator login credentials.
    • Do not log in using the 8x8 Status user you created earlier. The purpose of this step is for an administrator to authenticate the 8x8 Presence application for use on the service.


  1. In the Permissions Requested popup window, click Accept to confirm access permissions to the specified areas of your Sync profile.
    • Note: You must accept the permission request for the Presence Sync integration to work.


  1. Now return to the Logged in Account window as shown in the next step, below.
    • If you've closed the Logged in Account window and need to log in again, follow the login process outlined in steps 1, 2, and 3 of this section, above. Then return here to follow the final steps, below.
  2. Now click the Permission granted. Try again button below the Admin Consent Needed banner.


  • If you are prompted to log in again, select the 8x8 Status user ID (not your Microsoft Azure administrator ID).


  1. Click Verify Presence integration.

The Logged in Account page should now display Integration verified, and the process is now complete.


Important-Icon.png If required, you can disable the 8x8 Presence integration by clicking Disable 8x8 Presence integration.

Install the 8x8 to Teams Presence Sync

Once you've installed the Teams to 8x8 Presence Sync using the process above, proceed with the instructions below to install the 8x8 to Teams Presence Sync.

  1. Using your 8x8 Admin Console credentials, log in to the 8x8 Teams Presence Integration page at:


  1. Click Login on the 8x8 Teams Presence Integration page.


  1. At the Microsoft Pick an account login prompt, log in using the new 8x8 Status Microsoft user credentials that you just created in the steps above.
    • Do not log in at this point using your Microsoft administrator account.

clipboard_e638fafc961db27874ebab8fd61476faf.png  clipboard_edd863c0aba3ec2344d6d2b359f6c990c.png

  1. Click Enable two way presence sync.


  1. When you are again prompted to log in, select or enter your Microsoft Azure Administrator login credentials.
    • Do not log in using the 8x8 Status user you created earlier. The purpose of this step is for an administrator to authenticate a new 8x8 Write Presence application for use on the service.


  1. In the Permissions Requested popup window, click Accept to confirm access permissions to the specified areas of your Sync profile.
    • Note: You must accept the permission request for the 8x8 Write Presence app integration to work.


  1. Once the above steps are completed, you'll be returned to the Presence Integration's Logged in Account page as confirmation of install completion.
  2. Click Verify Presence integration.

The Logged in Account page should now display Integration verified, and the process is now complete. You can now test the two way sync to confirm that it is active and working properly.


Important: The presence status of 8x8 application users shown in Microsoft Teams will only be displayed as either offline or On a Call. This is due to Microsoft API limitations.


Presence Status Mapping

Presence Status Mapping from Microsoft Teams

The following table describes the Presence mapping from Microsoft Teams.

Microsoft Teams Status 8x8 Presence
Available.png  Available Available.png  Available
Available-OOO.png  Available, Out of Office Available-OOO.png  Available
Note: The Out of Office notification displays when automatic replies are configured. If the app is in use during a set Out of Office period, a dual presence may be shown (Out of Office, Available).  
Busy.png  Busy Busy.png  Busy
Busy.png  On a call Busy.png  onCall
Busy.png  In a meeting Busy.png  onCall
OnCall-OOO.png  On a call, out of office OnCall-OOO.png  onCall
DND.png  Do not disturb DND.png  doNotDisturb
DND.png  Presenting DND.png  doNotDisturb
DND.png  Focusing. Focus happens when the users schedule focus time in MyAnalytics/Insights in their calendars. DND.png  doNotDisturb
Away.png  Away Away.png  away
Away.png  Be right back Away.png  away
Offline.png  Offline. When users aren't logged in on any of their devices for a few minutes, they appear offline. Offline.png  offline
StatusUnknown.png  Status unknown StatusUnknown.png  offline
OOO.png  Out of Office. Out of Office is used when an automatic reply is set. (Available in Outlook only.) OOO.png  offline

Presence Status Mapping from 8x8

The following table describes the Presence mapping from 8x8 apps to Microsoft Teams.

8x8 Presence

Microsoft Teams Status

Available.png  Available

No sync

Busy.png  Busy

No sync

Busy.png  onCall

Busy.png  On a call

DND.png  doNotDisturb

No sync

Away.png  away

No sync

Offline.png  offline 

No sync