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8x8 Support

Switch to 8x8 Frontdesk


As a Switchboard Pro user, you are invited to switch over to 8x8 Frontdesk, which is the 8x8 new receptionist console working from anywhere and with full softphone or deskphone support.

Applies To

  • 8x8 Frontdesk
  • 8x8 Work for Desktop
  • Known Switchboard Pro customers and their select extensions

How to activate Frontdesk

Important-Icon.png Important! If your extension was never used on Switchboard Pro prior October, 2021, then this seamless access to Frontdesk will not be available. The IT administrator will be required to provision a new user as per the regular flow.

To activate Frontdesk on your computer, follow these steps:

  1. If you haven’t used the 8x8 Work desktop app before, this needs to be installed on your computer. Download the latest version from here or ask your IT administrator to do this for you.

  2. If you already have the app installed, on the left navigation bar on the bottom, go to Settings > Frontdesk > Enable Frontdesk like in the image below

Enable Frontdesk.PNG

After automatic restart, the app will provide an in-product tutorial at the beginning.

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