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8x8 Support

My 8x8 Call Center Does Not Appear in Salesforce Setup


You cannot locate your 8x8 Salesforce integration call center, or you can confirm that it does not exist in your instance of Salesforce.

Call centers in Salesforce are located in:

  • Setup > Feature Settings > ServiceCall Center > Call Centers


Applies To

  • Applies to Salesforce in general, regardless of the 8x8 integration you are trying to manage.


One of the following is likely to be the cause of the issue:

  1. The 8x8 Salesforce integration has not been installed.
  2. The call center has been deleted.
  3. You are using an edition of Salesforce that does not include Call Center functionality, such as the Group Edition. 8x8's Salesforce integrations for 8x8 Work and Contact Center require Professional or higher Salesforce editions.
  4. The Salesforce administrator's user profile has been assigned restricted access permissions that prevent the Setup > Call Centers option from appearing for that user.


Below are solutions to the above problem causes:

  1. The 8x8 Work for Salesforce integration can be installed by following the instructions located here:
  2. If the integration is installed and you can see the Setup > Call Centers option, but the 8x8 call center has been deleted, you must reinstall the integration and re-configure your call center.
  3. If you are not currently using a Professional, EnterpriseUnlimited, or Performance edition of Salesforce, please contact your Salesforce representative to upgrade.
  4. Salesforce User profiles can be created, edited, and assigned to users with the goal of providing them administrative access to some or all functions in a Salesforce organization. That access can also be limited, including removal of the option to manage call centers.
    • To fix this issue: Edit the affected admin user's assigned Profile in Setup > UsersProfiles and make sure that the Administrative Permissions > Manage Call Centers permission option is checked. Once this option is changed and saved, the affected admin(s) must log out of Salesforce and log back in for that change to take effect.
