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8x8 Support

How to Get Device Information and Passwords in 8x8 Admin Console


View device information and device passwords in 8x8 Admin Console. Account admins can view the device model, MAC Address, and MAC password of activated devices. 

Applies To 

  • 8x8 Admin Console
  • Device Information


  1. Log in to 8x8 Admin Console.
  2. Go to Devices.
  3. Click View Device Report to the right of your selected device. Here you will be able to see the Device ModelMAC Address, and MAC password (Device Admin Password) of activated devices.
    CM- Device Report-532x59.png

Device Report Terms

  1. Device: Make and Model of the device.
  2. MAC Address: A unique identifier for the device that is used to interface with your network and 8x8's servers. 
  3. Device Admin Password: Unique password that is required to access the admin section of a device's settings.
  4. Extension Number: Number assigned to extensions for in-PBX dialing.
  5. Status: Denotes if the device has been activated on 8x8's servers.
  6. Activation Code: A 13-digit code used to activate an 8x8 device. 
  7. Site: Name of the site that is assigned to the device. 
  8. User: Current user assigned to the device. 
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