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8x8 Support

Why do X Series Contact Center licenses show 0 used licenses?


Why do X Series Contact Center licenses show 0 assigned when there are users that have X Series Contact Center licenses assigned to them?

New licenses page.jpg

Applies To

  • 8x8 Admin Console


Each X Series Contact Center license provides 5 users or 'VCC seats'. The tracking is done by the Additional Named User license pool.

In the example above, the account owns 10 X Series X8 (Contact Center) licenses, so 50 total 'VCC seats' are allocated for the account.  This is reflected in the Additional Named User license pool. There are currently 47 unassigned indicating that there are 3 X Series X8 (Contact Center) licenses assigned. The Unassigned number of X Series X8 (Contact Center) licenses will never get incremented, only the Additional Named User licenses.

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