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8x8 Support

Integrating 8x8 and Intrado Revolution


Register the Intrado Revolution server as a 3rd party SIP device with 8x8 services.

Applies To

  • Intrado Revolution server 2012
  • Intrado revolution server 2022



This document is meant to assist in the registration of Revolution to 8x8, not a full integration between 8x8 and Intrado revolution. If you are interested in learning more about a full integration between 8x8 and Intrado including Paging, Dial Monitoring, and Text and Image notification on the display of your phone, see your 8x8 Sales representative.

Registering an 8x8 Extension

This will require you to acquire the SIP Credentials from 8x8. In the Intrado Revolution server navigate to Configuration | Activators and click on SIP.  Click on New | New SIP Registration. The Name can be whatever you want, it is highly recommended you include the GUN number. You will need to create a SIP Line and Registration for EACH extension you are going to register. Revolution allows for “unlimited” SIP registrations.

Note, if you change settings in the SIP registration you may want to restart the SIP Service/modules in the Revolution.

Revolution 2012

  1. Select Save.
  2. Select New.
  3. Select New SIP Line.
  4. In Settings, disable Reinvites, and leave all other options blank (default). There are no Advanced settings.

Revolution 2022

  1. Go to Configure > Phone System > SIP.
  2. Select New Registration.
  3. Create a line. The extension will be the GUN of the 8x8 extension, not the actual extension number.

Additional Information

For a more complete integration including Paging, Dial Monitoring, and Text and Image notification on the display of your phone, contact your 8x8 Sales representative.

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