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8x8 Support

How to request Genesys Webhook presence integration with 8x8


How do I get the Genesys Presence Webhook for 8x8?


The Genesys presence webhook allows for Genesys Agents to see the current presence status of 8x8 users such as On call or Idle.

  1. Contact Genesys by starting at this Knowledge base article >> Here << This will guide you in the steps to request the information from Genesys as well as how to contact 8x8 to enable the Genesys Webhook.
  2. After completing step 1, Contact you 8x8 sales representative


The Genesys presence webhook is a Genesys provided API that 8x8 will enable once Genesys has provided the information for your request.  This information must be provided to 8x8 in order to enable the API.


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