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8x8 Support

How many active 8x8 Contact Center agent seats for a tenant?


Determine how many active 8x8 Contact Center agent seats.

Applies To

  • 8x8 Contact Center
  • Agent Seats


The number of active agent seats can be viewed within the Billing Statement. 


Note: This will show only the number of seats at the beginning of the month. If seats are added or removed during the month, they will accounted for in next month's billing statement. 

Account Manager 

  1. Log in to Account Manager
  2. Click Billing > Statements.
  3. Open the most recent Statement. 
  4. Navigate to Virtual Contact Center Seat under Existing Services.
  5. The quantity listed is the number of active seats from the beginning of the month. 

My 8x8 

  1. Log in to My 8x8
  2. Click Billing Statements.
  3. Click View.
  4. Navigate to Virtual Contact Center Seat under Existing Services.
  5. The quantity listed is the number of active seats from the beginning of the month.
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