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8x8 Support

Timezone is Missing Error in Call Detail Records


8x8 Work Analytics, Call Detail Records gets error "timezone is missing", report header is displayed but no data is displayed, the time zone link (to the right of the date range box) is missing.
If an earlier date range is selected (several weeks previous) then there is no error and the data is displayed.


Applies To

  • 8x8 Work Analytics Call Detail Records report for users not in the United States.


In the 8x8 Account Manager, correct the Caller ID Company Name, and Time Zone.

  1. Log into 8x8 Account Manager,
  2. Select Phone System > Company Settings.
  3. In the section Caller ID, notice the Company Name is more than 30 characters (counting spaces).
  4. Caller ID only allows 30 characters.
  5. Shorten Company Name to 30 characters.  Caller ID Company Name allows 3 to 30 characters.
  6. Click Save (this must be saved before changing the Time Zone).
  7. Successful message.
  8. Then in the Time Zone section, changed the time zone from "US/*" (where * is a US time zone) to the time zone for your country.  Example: "Europe/London" for the United Kingdom. 
  9. Click Save.
  10. Successful message.

Now the user can log into 8x8 SSO > 8x8 Work Analytics, and the Call Detail Records report works without the time zone error.



The incorrect Caller ID Company Name does not allow setting the correct Time Zone in the Phone System Company Settings.

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