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8x8 Support

8x8 Work for Mobile Admin Beta Program

What is new with the 8x8 Mobile Admin and why should I care?

Efficient. Fast. Simple

Mobile Admin App aims to increase the availability and awareness of a Network Administrator to perform basic operations and react quickly.

Don't just take our word for it, here's how one of our usability testing participants described their expectations: 

“If I'm going to use my cell phone, I'm not going to sit down and work for eight hours on it, I just need to quickly do something and get out of it.” IT Manager.

What is the duration of the program? How much time will be required of agents throughout the program?

The program will last for approximately 4 weeks - enough time for Admins to get a clear understanding of the Mobile Admin app and for us to capture their valuable feedback.

Admins will also be asked to join a weekly 30 min. feedback session and complete a survey at the end of the program.

Feeling like going the extra mile? In-app feedback is welcomed and appreciated at any point.

Who should attend the weekly feedback sessions?

Ideally, 1-2 Admins. We are especially interested in hearing the feedback of those that use/ will be using the interface day in and day out.

What are the supported operating systems?

To get the most out of the Mobile Admin App we encourage you to use one of the following Operating Systems:

  • Android 8 and later (Google)
  • iOS 13 and later (Apple)

Is there any way I can see the Mobile Admin Interface before signing up?

Unfortunately, we are not able to share a sneak peek of the Mobile Admin App prior to the onboarding process - during which we will ask you to acknowledge an NDA to ensure the confidentiality of our product.

But we are happy to see that you are just excited as we are about the Mobile Admin! As one of our dear customers said: “good things come to those who wait”!

Is there an option to use the Mobile Admin Interface before switching over?

Short answer: YES!

As long as you have spare credentials, you will be able to check the interface before switching over.

What kind of configuration/ set-up will be needed to ensure access?

All X Series SKUs will be eligible for access. Users will need to be configured as admin in the Admin Console. 

Will training be provided prior to the start of the program?

We will have a kick-off meeting where Admins will be shown the basics of the app. But, we expect the Mobile Admin Interface to be intuitive enough to be understood and used with no additional training. Pretty awesome, right?  

Will the Mobile Admin interface used during the program run in a live environment?

Yes! Admins will run the interface in a live environment for the entire duration of the program (approximately 4 weeks).

What is the maximum number of admins that can try the beta version?

For the time being, we can only accommodate 1-2 Admins . If you would like to have more people trying the beta version, please reach out to us at to discuss whether or not that will be possible.

Will there be an incentive or reward for participation?

Yes, yes, yes! We value your time and effort in helping us build the best-in-class products and services.

We are also aware that what would make our customers happy varies depending on their use-case and needs. Thus, we are more than open and happy to offer you a customized reward.

Please reach out to us at to discuss what would make the most sense for you.

How do I enable Mobile Admin? 

Eligible users will need to upgrade to our Beta build. The Mobile Admin dashboard will become visible after the upgrade or on the next restart of the app after the upgrade.

How can Android users join the Beta?

Beta version of the app will be distributed through a closed Beta track through Google Play Store. Users are enabled with an email address. To get the beta version of the app, the production version already needs to be installed on the user's device. 

  1. Open Play Store on the device
  2. Search for 8x8 Work and tap on the app to open details page
  3. Enabled users will see the “Update” option on the installed production version

How can iOS users join the Beta?

Beta version of the app will be distributed through a closed Beta track through Testflight. Users are enabled with an email address or based on a public link. To get the Beta version of the app users will need to go through installing Testflight first, accept the Testflight invite and then install the app version that is distributed through Testflight.

How can I make my user an Admin?

If the user account used to log in to the 8x8 Work for Mobile app is not configured as an administrator, follow the steps in Assigning Roles to an X Series User to assign the admin role. After the user is promoted to admin privileges, log out from the Beta version of the app and do a fresh login.

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