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8x8 Support

Evaluate a customer interaction and prompt for coaching (Evaluator)


The Evaluator evaluates an agent’s call interaction and can request coaching feedback for that agent.

Applies To

  • QM


To evaluate an agent’s interaction and request coaching feedback:

  1. From the Speech Analytics & QM home page, click Interactions . The Interactions page displays.
  2. Select the agent interaction you want to evaluate. A slider screen displays on the right.
  3. On the slider screen, click Evaluations and then Evaluations to display the New Evaluation page.
  4. From the Template drop-down, select the template that the QM admin added the coaching preferences to.
  5. Complete the evaluation and click Save.
  6. A prompt displays asking:
    • Email agent a summary of the evaluation
    • Send coaching request to Agent supervisor
  1. Select Send coaching request to Agent supervisor and click Confirm.

    Important-Icon.png Note: This prompt is defined by the coaching preferences set in the template.

8. A message displays saying the coaching request was sent and that the evaluation was saved.



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