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Widget Color changes on Dashboard


Customizing widget colors on the Analytics for Contact Center dashboard.

Applies To

  • Analytics for Contact Center
  • Dashboards


The user would like to have the Calls Abandoned widget display green if the abandoned calls are below 5%, amber if it is between 5.0% and 9.99%, and red if it is 10% or above.

The user would like the Average Handling Time widget to display green if the time is under 3 minutes 30 seconds, amber if it is between 3 minutes 30 seconds and 5 minutes, and red if it is over 5 minutes.

Our goal is to color the metrics in three different colors: Red, Amber and Green and to set the parameters accordingly.

Create Thresholds

  1. Log in to Analytics for Contact Center.
  2. On the Dashboards page, select Settings (gear icon) in the upper right corner.
  3. Select Thresholds.
  4. If there isn't any threshold created, select New Set.
  5. In the new pop-up window, select Queues Set.
  6. In the next window, select New Threshold
  7. New Threshold page will open. 
  8. If there are threshold sets already created, you can edit them by selecting Edit (pencil icon). 

Calls Abandoned Widget

  1. Set Select metric type to Today(TD).
  2. Set Select metric to Abandoned %.
  3. Set Warning at: Less than 5% and select Amber.
  4. Set Danger at: Greater than 9.99% and select Red.
  5. Turn on Display GOOD as green on the wallboard
  6. Select Save.

Average Handling Time Widget

  1. Set Select metric type to Today(TD).
  2. Set Select metric to Avg Handling Time.
  3. Set Warning at: Greater or equal to 3.5 min and select Amber.
  4. Set Danger at: Greater than 5 min and select Red.
  5. Turn on Display GOOD as green on the wallboard
  6. Select Save.
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