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8x8 Support

Field Definitions


What are the various Field Definitions in the Fuze Data platform?

Applies To

  • Fuze Data



Call Stats

Page Links:{dept_name}/stats



Total Calls

all calls to and from the user; if a user has multiple extensions then all calls to and from those extensions will be consolidated and associated to that user


calls that originate outside of the company and ring to the user


calls that originate from the user and ring to a number outside of the company


all calls to and from the user to other users within the company

Platform Interactions*

calls from the user that do not leave the Fuze Platform, for example checking voicemail, logging into a queue, etc.

Average Connect Time

for all calls that are connected (answered by the user or the far end), this is the average time spent connected on calls

Total Connect time

for all calls that are connected, this is the total time spent connected on calls

* Platform interactions only appears in the department call log filters and the user call log filters

Call Logs

Page Links:{dept_name}/calls{user_name}/calls




the time the call was placed by the caller; note that this is not the time the call was answered


the time either the caller or callee hungup the call (whichever occurred first)


the total connect time on answered calls; for calls that go to voicemail the duration is equal to the length of the voicemail

Call Results:


call was connected to the callee

No Answer

the callee did not answer


the callee did not answer and the call went to voicemail


the call was transferred to another user or number


the callee has a call forward set to ring another number

Check Voicemail

caller checked his/her voicemail

No Call

the caller dialed an invalid number or extension that does not exist

Agent Login

caller used the * code to login him/herself into a queue

Agent Pause

caller used the * code to put him/herself in a pause state for a queue

Agent Unpause

caller used the * code to take him/herself out of pause state for a queue

Agent Logout

caller used the * code to log him/herself out of a queue


Queue Counts

Page Links:{queue_name}



Total Calls

calls received by the queue


calls that an agent answered and were completed by either the agent or the caller hanging up

SLA Compliant

calls that were answered within the SLA time configured for the queue (note that if a queue does not have this set up then the value will be null)

Opted Out

when a caller leaves the queue by either pressing a DTMF key (e.g. #3) to be routed elsewhere or using the FastPass option to have the agent call him/her back when available


when a caller is routed somewhere else because the timeout timer (e.g. 60 seconds) is reached


when a caller enters the queue but hangs up before connecting to an agent

Empty Queue

caller was exited from the queue because the queue had no agents logged in; depending on the queue configuration the caller will be routed to the next step in the call flow

Queue Durations

Page Links:{queue_name}



Average Wait in Queue

average amount of time that callers wait in the queue before connecting to an agent; this does not include the time before entering the queue (e.g. IVR menu), but it does include ring time to agents

Max Wait in Queue

of all the calls that reached the queue, this is the longest time that any single call waited in queue

Average Connect Time

the average amount of time that callers and agents were connected on calls


when a caller reaches the queue but hangs up before connecting to an agent

Average Time to Abandon

the average amount of time that callers wait in queue before hanging up (abandoning)

Stats By Agent

Page Links:{queue_name}/stats



Calls Presented*

the total number of queue calls that were presented / offered to the agent


the total number of presented calls answered by the agent


calls that were answered and completed by the agent


calls that were answered and then transferred by the agent

Average Connect Time

the average time the agent was connected to callers on answered calls

Total Connect Time

the total time the agent was connected with callers on answered calls

In Queue

the total time the agent was logged into the queue for the time period


the total time the agent was in an "Available" state for the time period; this includes idle time as well as time connected on calls


the total time the agent was in a Pause state for the time period

* Only calls that ring for the full "ring time" that's configured for the queue will show up as a call presented.  If a call does is answered or abandoned before the ring time is reached, it will not show as a presented call.


Meeting Activity

Page Links:{dept_name}/stats{dept_name}/summary{user_name}/summary



Total Count

the total number of unique meetings that ocurred; meetings are not counted more than once if multiple users from the same department join

Total Duration

the total meeting time summed for each unique meeting that occurred; the meeting time is calculated from the meeting start time to the meeting end time and does not account for individual user's time in meetings

Average Duration

average lenth of a meeting calculated by total duration divided by total count

Max Duration

the longest meeting for the time period

External Meetings %

the percentage of meetings that include an attendee that is not an employee of the meeting hosts company; dial-in PSTN participants are assumed to be external

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