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8x8 Support

Adding People to an Existing Group


Add a member to an existing group in Fuze Desktop.

Applies To

  • Fuze Desktop
  • Chat


If you are in a group, mention a contact in a message in the group chat or use Group details to add a new contact to the group.

Add Someone to a Group Using Mentions

  1. Open the group chat that you want to add the new contact to.
  2. In the Message field, type @[contact name], or type @ and select the correct contact name from the pop-up list.
  3. Press Enter or click Send. You receive a message notifying you that the contact you mentioned is not a member of the group.
    Add People to Fuze Group1.png
  4. Click Add [contact name] in the message to add the contact you mentioned to the group. The Share conversation history? message is displayed.
    Add People to Fuze Group2.png
  5. Select one of the following options in Share conversation history?:
    • Select Yes, add members and share history to add the new member to the existing group conversation.
    • Select No, start a new conversation to delete the existing group conversation and start a new group conversation that includes the new member.

Add Someone to a Group Using Group Details

  1. Open the group chat that you want to add the new contact to.
  2. Click Group details.
    Add People to Fuze Group3.png
  3. Scroll down to the Members section and click ADD. The Add people to the group window opens.
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  4. Search for contacts by name, number, or extension.
  5. Click their name in the search results to add them to the group. Each contact you select is listed above the search bar. To remove a contact after you select them from the search results, click the  beside their name when it is listed above the search bar.
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  6. When you are done searching for contacts to add, click Add. The Share conversation history? message is displayed.
    Add People to Fuze Group6.png
  7. Select one of the following options in Share conversation history?:
    • Select Yes, add members and share history to add the new member to the existing group conversation.
    • Select No, start a new conversation to delete the existing group conversation and start a new group conversation that includes the new member.
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