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8x8 Support

Missing call recordings


Calls appear to be missing or not recorded at all in Admin Console recordings

Applies To

  • Admin Console
  • Recordings
  • Audit events

Issue #1: I just ended an important call, but I cannot listen to it

Call recordings have a 24-hour window to appear within the recordings tab in Admin Console from the moment the call has finalized.

While usually the recordings appears right away, it is expected to take up to 1 day for the call to reach the Recordings portal

24 hours passed but the recording is still not there

In that case please go to Admin Console->Users->*user*->Call recording settings and ensure the setting is set to "Record all calls" not "Allow User to Record Calls Selectively". 

It is very likely that the user has not hit the record button and the call recording is lost.

None of the above apply!

Please reach out to 8x8 support to search for the recording.

Issue #2 Call recordings are missing from date X onwards

In this case there are 3 things that have to be checked:

1. Verify as at issue #1 if the user has the recording set to always record

2. If the user is set to always record, go to Admin Console->Burger menu top left->Audit events->Search for the affected user and select the time period in range since the recordings started appearing and search for the event in the image below:


If it looks like in the image, an admin may have noticed missing call recordings and decided to fix the issue but forgot to document it.

3. Verify the storage policy/licensing for the affected user to see if the recording has not expired.

Typically, the recording policy is determined by the license type that a user has.

  • X0-X2 licenses benefit from 30 days of recording space.
  • X3-X8 benefit from 130 days of recording space.

If the calls have passed this mark, they have been deleted and cannot be recovered by 8x8 support.

IF the call turns out to be EXTREMELY important, 8x8 Professional Services (through your account representative) may be able to recover said recording for an additional fee, but it is VERY likely that the recording is gone.


There are add-ons's that can be purchased to increase the length of the storage for individual users, BUT those must be manually assigned in order to function and are subject to the same limitations as mentioned above. See Managing Call Recording Storage Policy in 8x8 Admin Console


Issue #3 Only select call recordings are missing/truncated everything above considered

Reach out to 8x8 support to search for the missing/non-truncated recording.