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Viewing Queue and Agent Data


Viewing queue and agent data with Fuze View.

Applies To

  • Fuze View


This guide will assist you with viewing queue and agent data using Fuze View.

Begin by logging into Fuze View using your Fuze credentials. 

The Top queues panel on the Home page will provide access to queue data. 

Click the See All button or click on the name of a queue to view summary queue data by counts.

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Viewing Queue Data

Click a queue name from the Queues summary page to view data for that queue

Click the SUMMARY tab to view Call activity, Wait in queue, Results, and Activity by day information      

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Field Definitions



Total Count

calls received by the queue

Total time Connected

the total amount of time that queue calls were connected to agents

Average connected

the average amount of time that callers and agents were connected on calls

Max connected

the maximum amount of time that a caller and agent were connected on a call

Total wait in queue

the total amount of time that callers wait in the queue before connecting to an agent; this includes ring time to agents 

Average wait in queue

the average amount of time that callers wait in the queue before connecting to an agent; this includes ring time to agents

Max wait in queue

the longest time that any single call waited in the queue


calls that an agent answered, and were completed by either the agent or by the caller hanging up


when a caller chooses to either opt-out or uses the FastPass option  

Time Out

when a caller is routed somewhere else because the timeout timer is reached


when a caller reaches the queue but hangs up before connecting to an agent

Empty Queue

the caller was exited from the queue because the queue had no agents available

These definitions, as well as other Fuze View field definitions, are also available here: Fuze View: Field Definitions.

Viewing by Counts

Column headers in red indicate factors that may affect key performance indicators.

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  • Click the Export Queue Data as CSV button to download queue data as a .CSV file
  • Click the Export Queue Data as Excel file button to download queue data as an Excel file
Field Definitions
Queue Counts

Page Links:{queue_name}



Total Calls

calls received by the queue


calls that an agent answered and were completed by either the agent or by the caller hanging up

SLA Compliant

calls that were answered within the SLA time configured for the queue (note that if a queue does not have this set up then the value will be null)

Opted Out

when a caller leaves the queue by either pressing a DTMF key (e.g. #3) to be routed elsewhere or using the FastPass option to have the agent call him/her back when available


when a caller is routed somewhere else because the timeout timer (e.g. 60 seconds) is reached


when a caller enters the queue but hangs up before connecting to an agent

Empty Queue

the caller was exited from the queue because the queue had no agents logged in; depending on the queue configuration the caller will be routed to the next step in the call flow

These definitions, as well as other Fuze View field definitions, are also available here: Fuze View: Field Definitions.

Viewing by Durations

Clicking the Counts/Durations toggle (highlighted below) will allow you to view your queue data by durations.

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Field Definitions


Queue Durations

Page Links:{queue_name}



Average Wait in Queue

the average amount of time that callers wait in the queue before connecting to an agent; this does not include the time before entering the queue (e.g. IVR menu), but it does include ring time to agents

Max Wait in Queue

of all the calls that reached the queue, this is the longest time that any single call waited in the queue

Average Connect Time

the average amount of time that callers and agents were connected on calls


when a caller reaches the queue but hangs up before connecting to an agent

Average Time to Abandon

the average amount of time that callers wait in the queue before hanging up (abandoning)

These definitions, as well as other Fuze View field definitions, are also available here: Fuze View: Field Definitions.

Viewing By Agent

Click the BY AGENT tab to view agent data for the selected queue.

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Field Definitions


Stats By Agent

Page Links:{queue_name}/stats



Calls Presented*

the total number of queue calls that were presented/offered to the agent


the total number of presented calls answered by the agent


calls that were answered and completed by the agent


calls that were answered and then transferred by the agent

Average Connect Time

the average time the agent was connected to callers on answered calls

Total Connect Time

the total time the agent was connected with callers on answered calls

In Queue

the total time the agent was logged into the queue for the time period


the total time the agent was in an "Available" state for the time period; this includes idle time as well as time connected on calls


the total time the agent was in a Pause state for the time period

* Only calls that ring for the full "ring time" that's configured for the queue will show up as a call presented.  If a call does is answered or abandoned before the ring time is reached, it will not show as a presented call.

These definitions, as well as other Fuze View field definitions, are also available here: Fuze View: Field Definitions.

Viewing Summary Queue data by Queue Call Log

Click the QUEUE CALL LOG tab to view detailed data on queue calls.

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Click the Filter Calls button to filter data.

Calls can be filtered by the following call types: 
  • Connected - calls that an agent answered, and were completed by either the agent or the caller hanging up
  • Opt-Out - when a caller chooses to either opt-out or use the FastPass option  
  • Time Out - when a caller is routed somewhere else because the timeout timer is reached
  • Abandoned - when a caller reaches the queue but hangs up before connecting to an agent

Click the down arrow to view the lifecycle of a call.

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Click the View button to view the call recording for the call.

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Field Definitions


Queue Call Log

Page Links:{queue_name}/calls




number or contact from which the call originated

Entered Queue

time the call entered the queue

Connected Agent

disposition of the call

Connected At

time and date the call was answered

Connect Time

total time the agent was connected with the caller 

These definitions, as well as other Fuze View field definitions, are also available here: Fuze View: Field Definitions.

Viewing Agent Data

Viewing Detailed Agent data

Click on an agent name in a queue report to view data specific to that agent.

Agent Summary

Click the SUMMARY tab to view Call activity, Availability, Results, and Activity by day.

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Field Definitions

Agent Summary



Calls answered

total number of presented calls answered by the agent

Total time connected

the total amount of time that queue calls were connected to agents

Average connected

the average amount of time that callers and agents were connected on calls

Max connected

the maximum amount of time that a caller and agent were connected on a call

Time in queue

for the selected time period, the sum of times between agent login and agent logout events

Time not paused

for the selected time period, the sum of all times the agent was logged into the queue, available, and not in a pause state; the available time includes time spent on calls

Time paused

the sum of all times between agent pause and agent un-pause events for the selected time period 


the total number of queue calls that were presented/offered to the agent. If a call enters a queue and is presented to five agents before being answered by the sixth agent, the queue statistics would display six presented calls: five no answers and one answer.


total number of queue calls that were answered by the agent


total number of queue calls that were completed to the agent


total number of queue calls that were transferred

These definitions, as well as other Fuze View field definitions, are also available here: Fuze View: Field Definitions.

Agent Call Log

Click the AGENT CALL LOG tab to view detailed call data.

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Field Definitions




number or contact from which the call originated

Entered Queue

time the call entered the queue

Connected Agent

disposition of the call

Connected At

time and date the call was answered

Connect Time

total time the agent was connected with the caller 

These definitions, as well as other Fuze View field definitions, are also available here: Fuze View: Field Definitions.

Click the Filter Calls button to filter data.

Calls can be filtered by the following call types: 
  • Connected - calls that an agent answered, and were completed by either the agent or the caller hanging up
  • Opt-Out - when a caller chooses to either opt-out or use the FastPass option  
  • Time Out - when a caller is routed somewhere else because the timeout timer is reached
  • Abandoned - when a caller reaches the queue but hangs up before connecting to an agent

Click the down arrow to view the lifecycle of a call.

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  • Also referred to as “Cradle-to-Grave” or “C2G,” queue calls can be viewed through the entire lifecycle of the call (CALL EVENTS pane). This includes entering IVR menus, pressing key options in these menus, entering queues, connecting with agents, and disconnecting from the call.

Click the View button to view the call recording for the call.

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Agent Events

Click the AGENT EVENTS tab to view the agent's queue actions.

  • Agent Events lists all queue events and queue calls starting with the most recent event. This includes events for login, logout, pause (with pause reason if available), un-pause, and call presented.
  • Timestamps are provided for each event in the local time of the person viewing the page.
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Additional Information

  • Fuze View reports can be exported to CSV or Excel format using the buttons at the bottom of a Fuze View report page.
  • See our Fuze View FAQ here.
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